These are actual photos of patients we have treated in our Plainfield and Joliet dental offices.
Warning: Some ‘before’ photos show badly decayed teeth
Smile Makeover

Maryland Bridge Composite Bonding for Missing Teeth

Smile Makeover

Dental Implants Replacing Missing Front Teeth
This patient lost their two front teeth due to trauma and dental implants were placed.

Dental Implants Replacing Congenitally Missing Teeth

Composite Bonding

Cosmetic Bonding With Composite
This technique demonstrates how we can close the gap (diastema) between the two front teeth. This requires no 'grinding' of the teeth and is an additive process only.

Single Dental Implant
The before image shows the 'abutment' portion of the dental implant which the crown is placed upon.

Cosmetic bonding revision
Failing bonding that was removed and replaced at the same appointment. Completed without damaging or removing enamel. This treatment is much more conservative compared to crowns or veneers.

Cosmetic Dentistry

All Porcelain Crowns
20+ year old veneers replaced with more vibrant and natural porcelain crowns

Cosmetic Bonding On Chipped Front Tooth

Cosmetic Bonding
Teeth chipped due to trauma where restored with dental composite

Smile make-over with multiple implants, crowns, and bone grafting.
This is an example of complex treatment where various techniques were needed including grafting, implants, and crowns.

Chipped Front Tooth Composite Bonding

Complete smile restoration with dental implants and porcelain crowns

Porcelain Crown Smile Makeover

Brighter Whiter Smile!

One Appointment Composite Bonding
This is not the best esthetic cosmetic treatment we offer, but is a more cost effective option for those patients seeking a less invasive smile improvement.

Broken Porcelain Veneer Replaced with a Layered Composite Bonding Technique
Color matching a single front tooth is one of the most challenging things in dentistry. This patient did not want to redo the broken porcelain veneer, which would have been ideal esthetic treatment in this scenario. We opted to use composite bonding in a layering technique to achieve a good result given the circumstances.

Severe Wear Corrected With All Porcelain Crowns
This wear is from years of night time grinding and clenching which is why we recommend night guards at the first sign of abnormal tooth wear

White spot restoration with cosmetic bonding
White spots are often a result of demineralization of the enamel which can be caused by high intake of acidic and sugary drinks

Denture Implants

Silver Filling Replaced With White Filling

Dental Implants

Dental Implants with Denture

Upper and Lower Dentures
This patient suffered for years with gum disease. Although we were unable to save any teeth, we achieved an excellent outcome with conventional dentures.

Before and After



New Smile Restored with a Denture

Natural Looking Denture

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