Root Canal Therapy at Streitz Dental
Root canal therapy in our office is practically painless with the advent of better anesthetics and techniques. It is performed when pulp has undergone some type of trauma. This trauma can be from a large cavity, bacteria entering the pulp, a cracked tooth, or physical trauma like getting hit in the mouth. Pain and swelling will often be associated with a tooth that has undergone such trauma and is accompanied with an infection.
A number of tests are performed to determine the extent of injury to the pulp and whether or not treatment will yield long-term success. Treatment for a tooth nerve injury involves the removal of the blood vessels and nerves inside the tooth, better know as a root canal.
A root canal is performed as a final effort to save an already severely damaged tooth. You must keep in mind that root canal therapy is often a last resort in order to save the tooth, and this puts long-term success rates at approximately 80-85%, meaning root canal therapy is not always predictable.
All Drs. Streitz have all completed numerous advanced education courses regarding root canal therapy and will be happy to discuss with you their philosophy and technique regarding this treatment.
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